If you have discovered an adult cat that has suddenly appeared at your home or business, we suggest that you leave it alone. You can give it water, but please do not feed the cat. 66% of all lost cats will find their way home if left alone. Only about 2% of cats find their way back to their owners from local shelters. If the cat is injured or sick, then do not hesitate to bring the lost cat into the shelter. If you decide to feed the cat or bring them into your home, put up posters and ask neighbors because more often than not, they belong to someone around you. If you have found an adult cat please read Community Cat, Be Part of the Solution.
- If you feel the cat you found belongs to someone and is not a community cat follow these steps:
- Please complete this form if you FOUND a pet.
Click here to see if the pet you have found has been reported missing to LHS by their owner - Call the Lynchburg Humane Society and other neighboring animal control agencies and report that you found a lost pet. Give a thorough description and you will be contacted if someone calls reporting a lost pet with the same description. To help, you can keep the cat until the owner is found. This keeps it out of the shelter and helps us help other pets.
- Take it to social media. Someone may know the cat. Try posting on Lynchburg VA- Lost Dogs, Cats, & Pets and Lost & Found Pets of the Lynchburg Area.
- Put up flyers in your neighborhood and surrounding areas to let the person looking know that you found their lost pet.
- Take the pet to the closest veterinarian or shelter to be microchip scanned.
- Please complete this form if you FOUND a pet.
If you find an injured, lost pet after hours:
- City of Lynchburg, call Lynchburg Animal Control at 434-847-1602