City of Lynchburg Dog Licenses

All Lynchburg City residents are required by City Ordinance to obtain a license for their dog(s) starting at 4 months of age. The Lynchburg Humane Society is currently selling these licenses! In order to obtain a license for your dog, you must provide a current rabies certificate that has been signed by the administering licensed veterinarian.


  • $5 for spayed/neutered pets for 1 year
  • $10 for unaltered pets for 1 year
  • $15 for a lifetime license

You may also purchase your dog’s license in person at the front desk in the our lobby. All proceeds from Lynchburg City dog licenses purchased at the Lynchburg Humane Society go towards the care of LHS pets!

Please click here to request a dog license. A current rabies certificate signed by the administering licensed veterinarian must be uploaded in order to be accepted.