We Were Adopted! January 27th – February 2nd!

Dex finally found a home!!

We ended January with so many amazing adoptions. 51 cats, dogs and a rabbit found homes this week. But our most exciting adoption has to be our long timer Dex. Dex came through our doors in 2020 as a young, spry, and handsome distemper survivor. With the distinct crooked nose and cute muscle spasms, Dex stole our hearts. Falling in love with Dex should have been easy but after multiple adoptions and lots of heartbreak, Dex stayed with us for a long time.

To our dismay, Dex quickly became our longest stay dog. It wasn’t until 2022 that Dex was miraculously reunited with his original owner. We were so excited for Dex because we knew he would be loved unconditionally again. A year later we learned that his owner passed away and Dex was once again coming back to the shelter. We were heartbroken for him and couldn’t imagine how confused he was. We did not want Dex to wait so long again to find a loving home.

As hard as it’s been for him to be back in the shelter as a senior now, he was not nearly as energetic as before so more fosters were open to taking him in. He got to spend time away from the shelter but time was still ticking. We had just passed his one year anniversary of being back with us when a gentleman who had seen our posts came in to meet him. The adoption was inevitable, but he came in one more time to make sure Dex was the one, and finally took him home!

Thank you so much to his adopter for taking our special boy (and his favorite stuffy) home! We hope Dex brings as much joy and excitement to your life as he did ours. Congratulations Dex and Dad.

Thank you Piedmont Floor Show for being this month’s sponsor and supporting our life-saving initiative!

Pets that were adopted this week!

Cats that were adopted:

Addison, Blinky, Blossom, Calypso, Camden, Candice, Cinnamon Roll, Clover, Cue, Dill Pickle, Fisher, Garfield, Glass, Gwen, Haystack, Jack Be Little, Killian, McGruber, Mittens, Panera, Pantera, Popeye, Reed, Regina, Taco Bella, Tanzi, Twin, Wolfgang. 

Dogs that were adopted:

Baloo, Baxter, Beans, Bowie, Camilla, Chappie, Dex, Flora, Gummi Bear, Hatchi, Hoopie, Jenny, Kida, Klondike, Luna, Maxwell, Nutmeg, Palomita, Piper, Radar, Shade, Smokey Bear. 

Small pets that were adopted:

Roger Rabbit.

We Were Adopted! January 20th – January 26th!

It doesn’t take eyes to find an amazing family, they find you!!

At 8 years old, Apollo was found outside in incredible pain. He had one of the most uncomfortable eye injuries. One eye was red, inflamed, and bulging. The other was shrunken and clouded over, most likely from aggressive and untreated cataracts. The cataracts were beyond correction, and while we do not know how long his inflamed eye had been this way, we did know he needed surgery now.

Apollo underwent surgery for a double enucleation so readjusting to life would take a long time. Fortunately, one of our amazing fosters stepped up and offered him sanctuary and he adjusted faster than we could have ever hoped for!

Last week we shared an update on him enjoying his time in foster. His new family saw the update and he reminded them so much of their recently passed Husky, they were immediately pulled to meet him.

It was love at first sight (or scent for Apollo) to say the least! They shared with us that they researched for hours to ensure they knew all about blind dog care, and how to set them up for success, so we know he is in the best hands!

Thank you to Apollo’s foster parents for helping get him back on his feet in his time of need, and thank you so much to his adopters and new family for rescuing such a wonderful, deserving dog despite his inabilities!

Shout out to our sponsors this month at Piedmont Floor Show for supporting dogs like Apollo.

Pets that were adopted this week!

Cats that were adopted:

Barbarry, Briana, Carl Jr., Choco-Berry, Cindy Lou Who, Conan, Glen Coco, Gretchen, Hobbes, Janis, Judith, Lilo, Martha May, Molly Brown, Penelope, Peppermint, Potluck, Spade, Sparkles, Zim.

Dogs that were adopted:

Apollo, Bella Rose, Bingo, Bitsy, Cherry Pie, Clara Bow, Corduroy, Dee Dee, Deedee, Frankie, Junior, Lady G, Leith, Marilyn, Molly Mack, Morticia, Mylo, Nikko, Paulie, Pinto, Rio, Sarah, Screech, Slim Shady, Tippy, Wilbur, Yacht.

Small pets that were adopted:


We Were Adopted! January 13th – January 19th!

Local TV personality Pepper Jack finally found a home, along with 50 other pets!

A few months back a 4 month old Pepper Jack made an appearance on Living in the Heart of Virginia-LHOV ‘s Furry Friend segment. Pepper Jack had a blast and so did their staff. Come Friday when his feature aired we were certain he would find a home fast. While Pepper Jack was quite popular and became the star of the Living Room, days went by. Days turned to weeks, which turned to months and Pepper Jack was still here. Pepper Jack was incredibly sweet and affectionate and everyone loved him so we couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t found a home. It seemed like someone else was always getting picked first.

Until one day when he finally had his moment. We had just posted Pepper Jack on social media when the following day a girl came in to visit him. Needless to say, everything we wrote was true and more for her. She fell in love and Pepper Jack was finally chosen to go home.

Thank you so much to Pepper Jack’s new mom for choosing us to help her find her new best friend and thank you to our sponsors at Piedmont Floor Show for supporting us and making sure pets like Pepper Jack have a chance to Find Happiness!

Pets that were adopted this week!

Cats that were adopted this week:

Amadeous, Ambrose, Blake, Bobo, Chasity, Cortana, Devotion, Gomez, Goose, Grant, Hank, Hedwig, Jadis, Kratos, Lebowski, Lynn, Mark Miller, Melon Berries, Mozart, Olive, Pepper Jack, Pink, Queen Serene, Rambo, Regal, Rhaena, Sherman, Sidewinder, Skitty, Tanya, Tiger, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Wolfgang.

Dogs that were adopted this week:

Alfie, Arya, Bobby, Chive, Dojo, Fabio, Holly Grove, Koda, Luna, Pixie, Pops, Scarlett, Snow, Sunshine, Theon, Tucker.

We Were Adopted! January 6th – January 12th!

To the Moon and back, that’s how much this kitten was loved before she found her forever home!

We haven’t told Moon’s story yet, but it’s a special one to be sure. Moon was found back in September on the side of a highway with wounds all over her body. On top of her physical injuries, she was incredibly sick. She found a foster with one of our staff members and with great care, her wounds slowly healed. It was her upper respiratory infection that took the longest to recover from. She was on multiple antibiotics and nebulizing treatments, with no luck. Building back her immune system took lots of time and patience but after the new year, Moon was finally ready for her new start. She had grown up to be big, strong, and beautiful so it was no surprise when she was adopted the very same day she graduated from foster.

Thank you so much to her adopter for taking Moon home so soon after her graduation and continuing to love her unconditionally. And thank you Piedmont Floor Show for being this month’s sponsors.

Pets that were adopted this week!

Cats that were adopted:

Clyde, Ghost, Heidi, Hollis, James, Jessie, Jolene, Moon, Pam, Quinn, Thackery, Trip.

Dogs that were adopted:

Dawna, Dexter, Fawn, Holly Grove, Kona, Lefty, Mayzin.

We Were Adopted December 30th – January 5th!

We have TWO very special long stay adoptions to share with you all. Plus 49 other pets who found Happiness!

If you’ve seen our weekly spotlights of Maggie “Doing Things” on Facebook and Instagram you’ll know just how long we’ve been waiting for that special someone to come around. This week someone finally did!! She had seen Maggie’s weekly spotlights for a couple of months so when she was finally in a place to adopt Maggie was at the top of her list. With all the attention Maggie’s been getting recently she was worried Maggie wouldn’t be here, but despite it all, Maggie still was. As soon as they met, there was an instant connection and she took her home! Now she says Maggie is making herself right at home as her little shadow.

Mister Mack is another long stay pet we’ve been working hard to find a home for. For the longest time, Mister Mack would stay out of sight from visitors and hiss if he was approached. With the stresses of the shelter, he was not himself. For over a year he went on this way until one day when the right cat found her way to him. Despite living with cats for the majority of his time with us it wasn’t until Laguna joined him that he completely changed. We knew it would be a big ask but after seeing parts of Mister Mack’s personality shine we’ve never seen before we knew we had to find them a home together. We just didn’t know just how soon that would actually happen. It was only a few months after sharing their story that Mister Mack and Laguna were both adopted together.

Maggie and Mister Mack had been with us for 2 years making them our longest stay pets. Seeing them finally go home this Holiday Season is a proud, heartwarming moment for us. Thank you SO much to their adopters and thank you to Piedmont Floor Show for being this month’s sponsor and supporting our life-saving mission.

Pets That Were Adopted This Week!

Cats that were adopted:

Ash, Ashley, Baby, Bambi, Biscuits, Blizzard, Blu, Bunny, Cleo, Delcatty, Frosty, Gabby, Huey, Isabel, Jadis, Jalapeno, Jamie, Jelly Bean, Juicy, Kim Possible, Laguna, Luxray, Mister Mack, Misty, Olivia, Oreo Cookie, Ottie, Peanut, Pillsbury, Sandy, Serena, Sid, Simone, Snowflake, Steve McQueen, Thumper.

Dogs that were adopted:

Bitsy, Bruno, Chad, Fudge, Maggie, Pearl Jam, Poppy, Stella, Sweet Potato, Wesley, Wishlist, Yogi.

Small pets that were adopted:
