2024-2025 Mascot – Mason Wilkins

Each year at our annual Best Friend Ball we auction off the privilege to be the Mascot for the Lynchburg Humane Society. Mason Wilkins is the 2024-2025 Mascot for the Lynchburg Humane Society!

Mason is 8 years old and weighs 29 pounds. He is 60% Pomeranian, 30% Beagle, and 10% Papillion. We first saw him at the Halloween adoption event at the Graves Mill shopping center in October 2016. He was a little guy (about 16 pounds) dressed in a bumblebee outfit. He was cute; looked like a miniature German Shepard. Didn’t get much time with him, but somehow couldn’t get him out of our mind. That night we went home and completed his adoption papers with All American Mutt Rescue. They were accepted. At the time we had one other dog named Tippi, which we adopted from the Lynchburg Humane Society in 2014.

Four days later Mason was delivered to us on October 26. It took all of 30 seconds for Mason and Tippi to bond. And they were inseparable until Tippi’s death in 2023. He and his sister played constantly. When they weren’t playing, they were snuggling together.

Mason is all boy. He goes on a two mile walk every day except Sundays. His favorite pastime is chasing squirrels out of the yard or up a tree. His little legs can’t catch them, but he will stand under the tree until they find a way of getting out of the yard. He also keeps all the moles and voles out of the yard. He enjoys playing with frogs, and loves investigating turtle shells, until we pick up the turtles and move them out of the yard.

Mason is a very sociable dog. He loves people. Our friends and maintenance people know that you must pet Mason when you first come in or he won’t let you alone. He gets along well with other dogs. Especially female dogs. Leland Melvin is our neighbor and his Rhodesian Ridgebacks come down to play occasionally. They are huge compared to Mason, but all get along well. If there is one motivation for Mason, it is food. If there is something you want him to do, all you have to do is offer treats. And finally, he loves to be petted.