We have TWO very special long stay adoptions to share with you all. Plus 49 other pets who found Happiness!
If you’ve seen our weekly spotlights of Maggie “Doing Things” on Facebook and Instagram you’ll know just how long we’ve been waiting for that special someone to come around. This week someone finally did!! She had seen Maggie’s weekly spotlights for a couple of months so when she was finally in a place to adopt Maggie was at the top of her list. With all the attention Maggie’s been getting recently she was worried Maggie wouldn’t be here, but despite it all, Maggie still was. As soon as they met, there was an instant connection and she took her home! Now she says Maggie is making herself right at home as her little shadow.

Mister Mack is another long stay pet we’ve been working hard to find a home for. For the longest time, Mister Mack would stay out of sight from visitors and hiss if he was approached. With the stresses of the shelter, he was not himself. For over a year he went on this way until one day when the right cat found her way to him. Despite living with cats for the majority of his time with us it wasn’t until Laguna joined him that he completely changed. We knew it would be a big ask but after seeing parts of Mister Mack’s personality shine we’ve never seen before we knew we had to find them a home together. We just didn’t know just how soon that would actually happen. It was only a few months after sharing their story that Mister Mack and Laguna were both adopted together.

Maggie and Mister Mack had been with us for 2 years making them our longest stay pets. Seeing them finally go home this Holiday Season is a proud, heartwarming moment for us. Thank you SO much to their adopters and thank you to Piedmont Floor Show for being this month’s sponsor and supporting our life-saving mission.
Pets That Were Adopted This Week!
Cats that were adopted:

Ash, Ashley, Baby, Bambi, Biscuits, Blizzard, Blu, Bunny, Cleo, Delcatty, Frosty, Gabby, Huey, Isabel, Jadis, Jalapeno, Jamie, Jelly Bean, Juicy, Kim Possible, Laguna, Luxray, Mister Mack, Misty, Olivia, Oreo Cookie, Ottie, Peanut, Pillsbury, Sandy, Serena, Sid, Simone, Snowflake, Steve McQueen, Thumper.
Dogs that were adopted:

Bitsy, Bruno, Chad, Fudge, Maggie, Pearl Jam, Poppy, Stella, Sweet Potato, Wesley, Wishlist, Yogi.
Small pets that were adopted:
