Even the seas can not separate a love this strong
This is Duke, Duke has spent his whole life in a loving home with his best friends – his family. Duke was a military brat; he lived in places like Germany and more. As long as he was with his family, he was ready for the adventure. Last year their worlds were flipped upside down. Just before Duke’s dad was supposed to retire, Duke and his family were living in Germany. Ahead of his dad, Duke traveled with the rest of the family to the States. Unexpectedly, their orders were changed and due to unfair restrictions, Duke was not able to fly back to Germany with them. They were completely stuck. Duke had nowhere to go, and extended family did not have the ability to care for Duke, so their only option was to surrender him to us. Oceans away and their only option was to email us to explain the situation and hope that Duke would be okay.

Duke was sensitive and didn’t do well in the shelter environment without his family. He made friends, got to know and love staff, but all the while he thought of his family. We hoped every day that his family could get back to the States to be reunited with Duke, but the process was tricky. Duke was made available for adoption after 2 months in our care when there was no prospect of him finding his way home soon. Months went by and we stayed in communication with his family. They understood he couldn’t stay in the shelter but were still fighting tooth and nail to get back to him. Finally, in January they got the confirmation we’d been waiting for. They were coming back, and we took Duke off the website! Throughout our email conversations, Duke’s dad always said his first stop in the States would be to pick up Duke, and it was.
Their reunion was sweet and all the time Duke had been reserved before, faded away when he saw them. He was the happiest he’d ever been and so were they! This was the happy ending we hoped for. It was a pleasure to love and care for Duke during his time with us, but now he is back where he belongs, with his family.
Pets that were adopted this week!
Cats that were adopted:

Cahoots, Cherry, Gizmo, Inky, Jinx, Junior, Kim Possible, Livvy, Manny, Nigel, Sadie, Thumper, Toyota, Vi, and Wetzel.
Dogs that were adopted:

Beans, Benji, Bingo, Dagmar, Dory, Duke, Giles, Louie, Mayzin, Pookie Bear, Reeka, and Tugboat.