Local TV personality Pepper Jack finally found a home, along with 50 other pets!
A few months back a 4 month old Pepper Jack made an appearance on Living in the Heart of Virginia-LHOV ‘s Furry Friend segment. Pepper Jack had a blast and so did their staff. Come Friday when his feature aired we were certain he would find a home fast. While Pepper Jack was quite popular and became the star of the Living Room, days went by. Days turned to weeks, which turned to months and Pepper Jack was still here. Pepper Jack was incredibly sweet and affectionate and everyone loved him so we couldn’t figure out why he hadn’t found a home. It seemed like someone else was always getting picked first.

Until one day when he finally had his moment. We had just posted Pepper Jack on social media when the following day a girl came in to visit him. Needless to say, everything we wrote was true and more for her. She fell in love and Pepper Jack was finally chosen to go home.

Thank you so much to Pepper Jack’s new mom for choosing us to help her find her new best friend and thank you to our sponsors at Piedmont Floor Show for supporting us and making sure pets like Pepper Jack have a chance to Find Happiness!
Pets that were adopted this week!
Cats that were adopted this week:

Amadeous, Ambrose, Blake, Bobo, Chasity, Cortana, Devotion, Gomez, Goose, Grant, Hank, Hedwig, Jadis, Kratos, Lebowski, Lynn, Mark Miller, Melon Berries, Mozart, Olive, Pepper Jack, Pink, Queen Serene, Rambo, Regal, Rhaena, Sherman, Sidewinder, Skitty, Tanya, Tiger, Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Wolfgang.
Dogs that were adopted this week:

Alfie, Arya, Bobby, Chive, Dojo, Fabio, Holly Grove, Koda, Luna, Pixie, Pops, Scarlett, Snow, Sunshine, Theon, Tucker.