Bumble and 73 of his friends found happiness this week!

Bumble was found on along US 460, all alone and severely injured. A compassionate community member rushed him to LHS. His condition was so urgent and life-threatening that he had to spend his first night with our friends at Animal Emergency and Critical Care. They even said he was the most precious and perfect patient.
Based on the injuries to his body, we believe Bumble may have been hit by a car. What is clear is that this little boy is a fighter. The first day he was with us, he couldn’t stand and wasn’t eating, but on days two and three, he started to stand and eat! Our Medical Team closely monitored Bumble in his comfy enclosure inside our medical suite, being treated with IV fluids, meds, and a special diet to help him gain weight and get stronger. Bumble beat all the odds and got strong enough to move into one of our puppy cubes on the adoption floor and became available for adoption!

A family came in wanting to adopt. They met with a couple dogs, and then finally met Bumble, and they instantly fell in love with him and his sweet personality. Bumble became a part of their family yesterday and is officially adopted! What started out as a hard unpredictable journey ended with Bumble finding happiness.
Thank you to everyone who adopted this week giving so many deserving pets a second chance at happiness! Thank you as well to BISSELL Pet Foundation for making adoptions like this possible!
Check out who else found happiness below!
Pets that were adopted July 23rd through July 29th.
Cats that were adopted:

American Eagle, Batista, Bob, Cheesecake, Cinnamon, Conner, Constantine the Great, Cookie Dough, Corduroy, Cotton, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Flannel, Ford, Fruity Pebbles, Garfield, Ginny, Hartford, Hudson, Joey, K Omba, Larry, Lottie, Lucky Charms, Maury, Melee, Mickey Mouse, Millie, Miss Mindy, Monroe, Moose Tracks, Moxie, Mydon, Naruto, Navi, Porsche, Pumpernickel, Riddler, Sakura, Sesame, Sesame Seed, Sherbert, Shrimp, Sonny, Sourdough, Squabble, Succulent, Supernova, Taco, Tesla, and Velvet.
Dogs that were adopted:

Bumble, Bumblebee, Catiana, Chaco, Chewy, Corn Cob, Cornelius, Meg, Monster, Mystery, Nova, Opie, Pita, Puppachino, Puppy, Rocco, Rosie, Shellie, Squall, Tequila, Wally, and Zillow.
Small Pets that were adopted:
