Remember Pumpernickel? She was the pup we transferred in from another shelter who was battling a severe skin condition and had masses in both of her ears making it so she couldn’t hear in 2020. Pumpernickel, after many surgeries and lots of care was officially adopted in August 2021. This past weekend we got a very happy visit from Pumpernickel and her parents (who were also her fosters) and Pumpernickel got a brother for the holidays! Our boy Duke was a great match for Pumpernickel and her parents and got adopted into the most loving family. We are so happy for all four of them and can’t wait to hear updates.
Pumpernickel when we met herPumpernickel after her second surgeryPumpernickel’s adoption day!Pumpernickel in December 2022Pumpernickel meeting Duke!Duke’s adoption day!
An update after the first half of our Operation Silent Night Adoption Special!
Kanga’s puppy Pooh getting adopted!
Over 50 pets found happiness this week and went home during the first half of our Operation Silent Night Adoption Special! With Operation Silent Night, VIP pets have half off adoption fees and all other pets have adoption fees reduced to $25!
Many of the sweet pets that went home this week were puppies from the three sweet mama dogs that have been in our care, Pleiades, Subaru, and Kanga. All three of these mamas and their litters of puppies were transfers in from other counties! Subaru and Pleiades came from the same property in Charlotte County where they were living outside in poor conditions with their puppies and were finally able to be saved by us and brought inside at the Center for Pets. Almost all of their sweet pups have been adopted and these two super sweet moms are here at LHS looking for fosters or adopters to take them home.
Kanga found her way to LHS as a transfer from our friends at Bedford County Humane Society. They found themselves full and Kanga had just given birth the day before. Thanks to our awesome foster team and foster community she was able to raise her puppies in an LHS foster home! All of Kanga’s sweet pups are now adopted and this beautiful mama is here at the Center for Pets waiting to find her own happiness.
Adopted Pets from December 12th through December 19th
Cats that were adopted:
Batcat, Beyonce, Boo Boo, Cash,Espurr, Fiesta, Figaro, Floyd, GeeGee, Gizmo, Hibachi, Ivan, Malone, Miranda, Moses, Mr. Whiskers, Muffin, Paris, Planet Hollywood, Pumpkin, Tie Dye, Tigra, Tom Tom, Vinnie
Dogs that were adopted:
Bluebell, Christopher Robin, Crosstrek, Darla, Delilah, Dove, Duke, Eeyore, Hunter, Impreza, Legacy, Luigi, Mario, Marlo, Milwaukee, Monk, Pooh, Rabbit, Rarity, Roo, Santa Paws, Solterra, Tigger, Tucker, Tucker, Zeus
Over 60 pets found happiness this week at the Center for Pets
We had a great week last week with over 60 adoptions! Many wonderful pets went home and are now getting ready to have their first holiday season with their new families. One story from this week that really stands out is long-stay dog and resident handsome old-man Tyson finally finding his family. Read more below!
Long-stay Dog, Tyson, is home!
Our sweet chunky old puppers has finally found a home after being with us for so long for no good reason. Everyone who knew Tyson loved him, and boy did everyone know Tyson. Tyson made so many friend during his stay with us including Chantel, one of our volunteers who has visited/walked Tyson nearly everyday for the past 2 months! Tyson also made friends with Krysta Inglett who sponsored his adoption fee, and another Good Samaritan who sponsored his care!
Of course none of this would have been possible if Tyson’s new family hadn’t stopped by for this weekend’s special with Best Friends Animal Society to look around. We appreciate you so much and can not wait to see what Tyson’s future holds!
Adopted Pets from December 6th through December 11th